Month: February 2016

Songthrush seeks the Hazel

Haze recorded a song thrush singing its early morning head off outside her bedroom window a couple of weeks ago.

She couldn’t see it, only hear it. But it might have looked something like this

The Songthrush edit

Illustration: Hazel Brown

So I’ve used her recordings, a poem by Welsh medieval bardster Daffyd ap Gwilym, and a few clips from YouTube, to create this little song thrush vid

I reckon Hazes little song thrush was singingĀ  for, and singing to, her –

…..”He seeks the Hazel”……Oh yes he does – he did!

Vid: Ian Nisbet

Winter Seas

Winter seas edit
The little ships racing for harbour shelter
From storm lashed seas
Men and boat trapped in a frozen memory
Of masts and yards ..caught in ice.
Fish in ice below decks
Bone cold..mind numbed
Days and nights.
The lightship beam warms the soul
Fog deletes landfall.
A far off lighthouse grows close
Harbour lights glow closer
Ropes thrown!
Hearts warm!

Hazel Brown: Picture & Poem (Feb 2016)