Shaldon Zoo

Some Shaldon Zoo Pictures

A few pics from our visit to Shaldon Zoo yesterday

Here is the Meerkat Lookout dutifully doing his job

Meerkat Lookout

His fixed focus was on something about 2 feet above our heads

Next is this White Faced Saki Monkey

White faced Saki Monkey

‘Their faces look almost like people’ Haze said.

Next is this Azara’s Agouti.


Shy animals are Agouti’s. Get preyed on a lot.

Next was this Red Bellied Lemur.

Conservation Status: Vulnerable

Gentle Lemur

Also a shy seeming animal. Timid. Vulnerable looking with those big baby brown eyes.

And finally here is a Bird Eating Spider

Bird Eating Spider

It was huge. I wanted to see it move. But it was fast asleep.

I’d go back to Shaldon Zoo just to sit next to this Hairy Bird Eating Beast.

Waiting to see it scuttle scurrying across its cage hissing, with fangs in the ‘bite-your-head-off’ position.

Shaldon Zoo

A birthday trip treat to little Shaldon Zoo this afternoon.

We’re seeing: Golden-Headed Lion Tamarins; Yellow-Breasted Capuchins; Common Squirrel Monkeys; White Faced Saki Monkeys; Red Ruffed Lemurs; Gentle Lemurs; Red Bellied Lemurs.

Did we know that long nosed Potoroos existed? No. Swinhoes Striped Squirrels? No. Blue Throated Conures? No.

I’ve decided to identify all the animals you see on the vid. They need to be known. They need to be remembered. They need to be honoured.

Before they all disappear out of existence.

Vid & Words: Ian Nisbet